Gita Jayanti “Saras mela” festival Kurukshetra

I visited Gita Jayanti festivDSC01693al this year. Festival is organized by KDB at bramhsarovar.

Gita Jayanti is the birthday of Bhagvad Gita, the sacred text of the Hindus. It is celebrated on the Shukla Ekadasi, 11th day of the waxing moon of Margashirsha month (November-December) in the Hindu calendar. It is believed the “Bhagavad Gita” was revealed to Arjuna by Sri Krishna Himself in the battlefield of Kurukshetra (in present day Haryana, India). ThDSC01673e text is written in third person, narrated by Sanjaya to King Dhritarashtra as it transpired between Sri Krishna and Arjuna. Sanjaya, the secretary of the blind King Dhritarashtra, had been blessed by his Guru, Vyasadev, with the power to remotely view the events taking place on the battlefield as they transpired.

DSC01681You can buy handicraft items like beautiful jewelery, apparels, toys, footwear, furniture, decorative clay pots. There is variety of cuisine available from different parts of India during festival. Several cultural programs are organized to entertain and showcase rich heritage of region.

DSC01699During the Gita Jayanti Samaroh devotees and pilgrims from all over India gather here in Kurukshetra to take part in this sacred festival. A normal ritual observed to be followed by everyone is to take bath in holy water of the sacred tanks – Sannihit Sarovar and Brahma Sarovar. The whole environment becomes divine and spiritual with numerous activities being organized.

DSC01697Over the years Gita jayanti Samaroh has gained immense importance and popularity. A large number of tourists have started to visit Kurukshetra during the event to participate in this sacred fair.
Time of Celebration: Gita Jayanti The sacred Festival of Gita Jayanti samaroh is an annual event celebrated in Kurukshetra, the divine, sacred land for Hindus. The fair/Festival is organized in the months of November-December and lasts for more than one week.